Thursday, May 22, 2008

David vs David

WOW, What a show!
Did you watch American Idol? I had to. I haven't really been a huge fan of American Idol for a couple years now. But this year I really got into it. I voted in the hundreds. However I didn't care who won as long as his name was David. I voted through out just to try and keep both David's up there. From the beginning they were both my favorite. And then when it came to voting Tuesday night, I wanted to vote but I didn't know who to vote for. I wanted both David's to win and to me they both did.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Super Crazy Life

Most of you already know that Andy has been working in San Antonio, TX since the first part of January. At first he was gone for 5 weeks in a row. He was able of flying home Friday night then back on a plane Sunday afternoon. So we did have our Saturdays together.

They no longer have Andy going every single week. However he is gone A LOT. He will be gone for a couple weeks then home for a week, gone for a couple more weeks then home 2 weeks. It is now to the point that I have no idea when he will be home. Several weeks ago Andy and I sat down and planned out some vacation time for us for the summer. That is no longer happening because Andy got some news that he has to do work in San Antonio during the summer months.
Since Andy would be gone for so long his work did offer to send me and the girls to San Antonio. That idea was bitter sweet. It would be nice to see Andy this summer, but what about everything else we had planned and most of all what about our house. Andy and I had many talks about what to do and what would be best for our family. After talking about everything we thought it would be good for us to go with. We got really excited about spending the summer in Texas.

If we are going to be gone for 2 1/2 months what should we do about the house? (we are only renting here) It seemed crazy to pay rent and utilities for that long without anyone in it. So now another thing to figure out.

We are all excited about going to Texas. This would be a new adventure for us. Well it came back that they were only going to give Andy so much money for the summer. We would need to fit everything that we would need in that budget. We spent many hours searching for flights, car rental, a place to stay and so on. The numbers weren't adding up. There was no way we could stay in that budget. Andy did ask for more money. We finally got the OK (just over a week ago) to go ahead and get things booked with a slightly higher budget. Still however a pretty tight budget. Seeing that staying in our budget was going to be tough, I decided to make a few phone calls and I was able of getting everything booked at a lower price.

Now that I got one thing out of the way. What the heck to do about everything else? We have not been too happy with the school system here in Bozeman. Andelynn has a great teacher, just the whole system is messed up. Also there is no preschool program here. Andelynn still cries about one a week because she is unhappy here. She has had a really hard time since we have been here and with her daddy gone all the time it has just gotten worse. So many family talks, we all agree that it would be best to come back to Utah. However we are in our contract with our home here until mid October.

We talked with the company that is renting the home and they told us that we could break our contract however we still have to pay until they find new renters. We decided to chance it. One day with our house up for rent we had 8+ showings in that one day. It was crazy here, you would think we were having a wild party. We had several people wanting to rent the house. And we got the official word earlier this week that we have new renters taking over our home. So as strange as this sounds, "I am happy to be homeless".

Less than 3 weeks left here until we say good bye to this great place. The problem is, Andy is in San Antonio. He will be back for a week before we leave. However that still leaves me with taking care of the kids while packing and cleaning and also finding out who the heck is going to move us. I am just getting started. Sound like fun? Well then come on up and join in on the fun.

I really am going to miss it here. There is so much that I love about being here. However I am so happy that Alyssa will be able to go to preschool in the fall. And since Andy will still be traveling, I will be close to family.